For Fans of: Versa Emerge, Revamp, Flyleaf
You ever listen to an album so good you buy it twice within a span of 12 hours? Well I have; and a lot of you are about to as well. Now, back in October/November I reviewed the “_Liar_” EP from Blindside Drop. Well, THEY’RE BACK MOTHERFUCKERS. On July 9th they released their sophomore EP “Wish.” So without further ado; I’m Steven Jeffries From Audiovein Entertainment and this is my review of “Wish” By Blinside Drop.
(Note: This marks the second time a band has received a full 10 rating from my cynical ass and I’ll explain why that is throughout this review and at the end.)
So to get right into it; the one thing that will throw anyone who has listened to this band off is the first two tracks “Walk Away” and “Liar, Liar.” Which are rewritings of two songs from the last EP. This gave me an excellent thing to look forward to as hearing two old songs re-written and rerecorded showed miles of musical improvment.
Now onto the new songs; Track three; the lead single of the album “I wish” which was a fantastic way to introduce fans to the new album. From the beginning you know it’s going to be good; Brittney’s singing in the opening is the closest I’ve ever heard a person sound like a legitmate angel; couple that with solidarity of the chorus and just how tight the song writing is; you have the perfect way to lead into track four; “Tell Me.”
Speaking of the songs title; tell me why is this band so good at riffs, I mean there’s some tasty riffs here guys some tasty riffs indeed. This song is the epitome of the album for me just because it full on explodes and it’s placing is perfect. A build up intro and verse, catchy chorus, back and forth guitar parts, a solid bassline (that I think caused the wheel to fall off my van; Micheal we’re gonna have to have a talk later on.) But; it’s an excellent example of just how heavy this band can get. But after a heavy song we need a relax period right? Enter track five; ” Burn out Bright.”
So this is the weird one, but weird in a good way. A very low, southern rock style song gives this album the variety every album needs. A slow steady pace, again; more tasty riffs that all builds into a darrell abbott-esque solo. Which provides the outlet for what I like to call “The metal as fuck” song; track six “Erased.”
My second favorite from the album and for damn good reason; the riffs, the vocals this song just screams heavy; and shows that when bands go to the well they can bring a new game when you least expect it. The one thing I enjoy the most in this song is the drums; Ryan profitt defintely pulled out the stops on this one; from the steady beat to a mini solo later in the song he put the oh yeah on it, the oh yeah indeed. All I can is next time; blast beats… Blast beat the fuck out of it.
So now we’ve hit the final song, the grand finale; “What can you show me?” Which is an amazing way to end an album. It’s a blend of everything else the album had to offer; hits it’s highs and lows and leaves you feeling satisfied when all is said and done. Too many bands leave albums on a note that leave the listener feeling cheated; this is not that. The moment the song ends you feel good knowing that you just listened to something great.
So now, all humor and random jokes aside. I’m very critical and cynical when it comes to reviews; I’ve only given one other band a solid 10 and that was gained due to the nine year wait for the album so if that be the case;why did I give this album a perfect 10? Because; I love this band, I love the music and most importantly I’m constantly impressed by live shows and their consistant growth as a band. Having only released their first EP a little over a year ago I felt as though I was listening to a completely different group solely based upon how much they’ve improved. It’s an outstanding feeling knowing that people you’re close knit and friends with have something special and are without a doubt definitely going places in the music world. Best of luck; Blindside Drop.
I’m Steven Jeffries from Audiovein Entertainment and I’ll see you soon.
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