Talk about a long awaited debut album.
This was announced YEARS ago that they would be collaborating, then a couple years ago we were told the album was done. Now here it is, officially.
The love child of 3 of modern Metal’s most respected musicians. Guitarist/Songwriter/Producer/Everything guy Adam Dutkiewicz, king of growling George Fisher aka Corpsegrinder, and drummer Shannon Lucas.
By a casual listen by casual fans, you’d think you’re listening to the latest Cannibal Corpse album. With a listening ear, you’ll notice many little nuances that more than separate this album from just a standard Death Metal or Cannibal Corpse album.
Shannon Lucas does not murder his drumset in the same way that Paul Mazurkiewicz does. Shannon is known to be a very fast and very technical player whereas Paul, who is also fast and technical, is also more straight forward and direct and hits harder.
Then there’s Adam D’s signature style which is very tight and intricate but also very melodic. Then you throw in the pretty acoustics into the mix and that alone will let you know that you’re not listening to a CC record. Oh, but what’s this? Back up gang vocals, back up growls and screams, AND melodic vocals. I think it’s refreshing. I know some elitists out there are gonna hate it because it’s not all brutal all the time. I like dynamics. The guitar solos shred but also have plenty of finesse and flair and the staple, melody.
Some should already know, but I’m sure some don’t. The lyrics this album were written by Jesse Leach with additional input from Adam and Corpsegrinder. Jesse does not perform on the album. What can we say about George’s performance? Well. Um. Have you heard his work??? He sounds destroysive and demonic as usual. Musically speaking, is it the most melodic work he’s put his voice over? It’s hard to say. Paths of Possession was slower overall than Serpentine Dominion. As I said before though, it’s a refreshing take on the genre.
I don’t have a favorite song. The album rips through you in what feels like 10 minutes of pure awesome and by the time the intro track hits again, you’re more than ready to give it another listen. I love the whole thing.
Some will probably complain that the production is too pristine and not raw enough. I think it sounds exactly how it should and what I would expect from an Adam D production. You can hear every instrument, every background anything, and nothing overpowers the other instrument.
It took a long time for this to come out and it was worth it. SO worth it. If they never release anything else, then so be it. I hope that’s not the case though as this is too good not to exist more than just a project.
#SerpentineDominion #AdamD #Corpsegrinder #GeorgeFisher #ShannonLucas #JesseLeach #CannibalCorpse #KillswitchEngage #AllThatRemains #TheBlackDahliaMurder #MetalBlade
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