While nostalgia is clearly running high right now, many people pretended they didn’t like Limp Bizkit for nearly 20 years. I was NOT among those. From “Results May Vary” to the “Unquestionable Truth” EP to “Gold Gobra” to “Still Sucks”, I’ve been along for the ride through the entire down time.
I saw the LB for the 1st time in 2014 at the House of Blues, which wasn’t even sold out. But it was SUCH an amazing show, and I couldn’t wait for a 2nd chance. Well it finally came nearly 8 years later. In that 8 years, the new album came, nostalgia kick hit, and they went from playing to barely 1,000 people to nearly 4,500. Tons of us 30-40 year olds, some even older, and even some youngins in the crowd too!
Later on during the performance, Fred asked “If this is your 1st time seeing Limp Bizkit, raise your hand.” No joke, probably 90% of the hands went up. Equally surprising as it was awesome.
90’s comedic actor Pauly Shore introduced the band, and let us know how he met them and how he thought they sucked.
Papa Durst showed up in his chair, trying to get a remote to work. Things got kicked off with “Dad Vibes” into “Dirty Rotten Bizkit”. By the end of the party, 8 songs were played from “Chocolate Starfish”, only 3 from “Significant Other”, 1 from “Results May vary”, and 1 from “3 Dolla Bill Y’all”. My 1 and only personal complaint was a preference for wanting more from their first 2 albums. That is the only negative I have to say about this entire night, and it’s not even a major one because I loved every single song.
After the first 2 songs, the volume got turned to 11 with “Rollin'”, followed by “Hot Dog”, “My Way”, “My Generation”, and “Livin’ it up”. “Eat You Alive” had a surprisingly great response. They merged “Rearranged” in with “Boiler” which was pretty neat, considering the lyrical content and tones of the songs are both pretty similar. It worked well. They turned it back up with “Nookie” and “Full Nelson”, the latter of which had some guest vocals from AEW’s Sonny Kiss. Then karaoke time came with 3 covers in a row in INXS’ “Don’t Change”, George Michael’s “Faith”, and Nirvana’s “Heart Shaped Box”. Was it impossible to end this party? Nope. “Take a Look Around” kicked our ass and proved it.
The stage filled with tons of guests from the side of the stage and the lights came on, leaving some to believe it was all over. But some of us knew better. There was absolutely no way this night was ending without “Break Stuff”. Chaos erupted. The pit was the entire floor. Bodies were slamming into eachother, smiles were rampant, the words were being screamed in unison. Simply fantastic.
If you never liked Limp Bizkit, you never will. If you ever did but stopped listening for whatever reason… give their newer albums a shot. See them live. It is crazy to think that at one point, they were the biggest thing going, and it doesn’t seem like it was that long ago. Yet it was. I loved the turnout for this show and I wasn’t expecting it at all, considering what I saw in 2014. It was a nice surprise and the energy of a Limp Bizkit show is off the charts. Even better that it’s still the original lineup. SO much fucking fun. Until next time, keep on rollin’ babay. You know what time it is.
Review by Marcus Miller, Photos by Casey Jade
#LimpBizkit #FredDurst #DadVibes #TheTheater #VirginHotel #LasVegas
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