No matter your age, gender, religion, location, or race… Everyone loves Music.
AudioVein Entertainment provides 0% rumors, gossip, or unnecessary information. Everything you see on this site will be confirmed, factual, and to the point. You have complete access to choose any genre or subgenre you’re interested in. We also incorporate other mediums of entertainment such as movies, games, TV, and more. This part is a work in progress, of course.
AudioVein gathers its news and information from various websites, social media, our flooded e-mail, and direct contacts. If you have something you want to send to us directly, do so at
We all like to read the dirt and gossip stuff, and you can find all of that all across many other websites, but at AudioVein, our focus is ACTUAL music news – From mainstream superstars to local/unsigned startups Worldwide.
We are Music. Feel the noise.